12 Rules for Life - Summarized for Busy People: An Antidote to Chaos (e-bok)
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12 Rules for Life - Summarized for Busy People: An Antidote to Chaos E-bok

(1 röst)  |   Läs 1 recension
E-bok (LCP),  Engelska, 2018-07-16
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What does it mean to live a life full of purpose? In this simple yet riveting book by renowned psychologist, Jordan B. Peterson, you will understand the simple truths that have stood the test of time which will allow you to look within to see the truth.Dr. Peterson shares the importance of skateboarding, always standing tall, and petting a cat you encounter outside. What makes us similar to lobsters? Why is it important to choose your friends? Why do you need to discipline your children? Why do you need to carefully listen when talking with someone? There are 12 simple truths in life?combined with knowledge from science, faith, and human nature?that will develop the wisdom needed in order to have a fulfilled life.
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  1. Gick inte att ladda ner
    Kinnarumma , 12 april 2019

    Kunde inte ladda ner den! Formatet gick inte att ladda ner. Pengarna tillbaks, tack. Varför fel format? Alla tidigare köp har gått att ladda ner.

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