Theories of Workplace Learning in Changing Times (e-bok)
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Taylor & Francis Ltd

Theories of Workplace Learning in Changing Times E-bok

E-bok (LCP),  Engelska, 2021-08-25
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This book is an expansion and major updating of the highly successful Theories of Learning for the Workplace, first published in 2011. It offers fascinating overviews into some of the most important theories of learning and how they are practically applied to organisational or workplace learning. Each chapter is co-authored by an academic researcher and an expert in business or industry, providing practical case studies combined with a thorough analysis of theories and models of learning.

Key figures in education, psychology, and cognitive science present a comprehensive range of conceptual perspectives on learning theory, offering a wealth of new insights to support innovative research directions and innovation in learning, training, and teaching for the upcoming post-Covid-19 decades. Containing overviews of theories from Argyris, Decuyper, Dochy & Segers, Engeström, Ericsson, Kolb, Lave & Wenger, Mezirow, Raes & Boon, Schön, Senge, and Van den Bossche, this book discusses:
  • Learning of employees in the digital era
  • Workplace learning
  • High impact learning
  • Informal learning
  • Adult learning
  • Learning & development didactics (L&D)
  • Reflective practice
  • Transformational learning
  • Experiential learning
  • Deliberate practice
  • Communities of practice
  • Team learning
  • Organisational learning
  • Expansive learning
Combining theory and practice, this book will be essential reading for all trainee and practising educational psychologists, organisational psychologists, researchers, and students in the field of lifelong learning, educational policy makers, students, researchers, and teachers in vocational and higher education. It will also be of interest to those involved in training trainers and teacher training.
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